interesting tweet crossed my tweet deck which, to my estimation,
addressed well the duplicity of the mainstream media. It read...
Tebow: “I'm a Christian
“Keep it to yourself.”
Collins: “I'm gay.”
“This man's a hero!”
just 140 characters, this twitterer said a lot!
there is a lot more to say because the debate still rages... and with
a fury!
do such a plurality of “Gays” get “bent out of shape” when
the morality of their lifestyle is questioned? I think it has to do
with the issue of justification. In essence, are you justified in
being gay?
answering this question, as I see it, there are two types of “gay”
people. They are determined by the means by which they seek
first type of gay person finds solace in the assumption that he has
found providentially determined justification for his conduct.
Either he is satisfied with his hermeneutics of the Bible or some
other allegedly divine source of authority that says, by virtue of
its authority, homosexual conduct is permissible.
second type of gay person, which evidence seems to purport to be the
most common type, seeks justification through consensus. It is
accompanied by an attitude which says “it's okay because others say
it's okay”. In reality this is an unfortunate appeal to bandwagon
thinking which is a fallacy in logic.
first type of “gay” person ought to be confident in and of
himself. He ought not to feel threatened if he is told he is wrong.
He ought to be able to dispassionately defend the rightness of his
sexuality and remain unwaveringly strong in his position and maintain
a level of civility with those who would challenge the veracity of
his point of view.
second type of “gay” person would, it seems, logically get
defensive when his lifestyle is challenged. His justification for
being “gay” lies solely on the confirmation of others. If so
much as one person were to disagree with him, that one person will
likely become an object of his vitriol. The one who would contest
that homosexuality is wrong will be labeled a “hater” or a
the first type of “gay” person were to attempt to find
justification for his homosexuality in the Bible, I would venture to
say that he'd have to resort to an extremely convoluted form of
hermeneutics to do so. Romans Chapter 1 vss. 26 and 27 clearly
denounce homosexuality as sinful. It can be interpreted no other
way. Likewise 1 Corinthians 6 vss. 9 through 10 includes
homosexuality as one of a number of sins that will bar an individual
from the kingdom of God.
this first type of homosexual individual is unlikely to find
justification through Islam either. Somewhere, he might find
reinforcement from some “holy” book but then, he'd have to defend
the veracity of that “holy” book.
apart from universal human acceptance of the practice of
homosexuality, the homosexual is unlikely to find justification.
attempting to silence, as it were, those voices that would denounce
homosexual conduct, The homosexual community and their so called
“straight” advocates do themselves a disservice. There would be
no one to tell them that they're wrong.
the act of homosexuality is abhorrent to God (and scripture would
argue as such) what's even worse is an attitude that denies the
reality that it is a sin. The result is that one is seeking
justification for what is essentially self-indulgent behavior.
homosexual, however, who would acquiesce to the admission that his
conduct is, indeed, sinful has begun to finally engage God in a
relational way. By acknowledging his propensity to this form of sin,
he is willing to engage in a struggle to overcome it. To do so,
ultimately, he must avail himself of the power of God in his personal
battle against it.
I am by no means condemning the homosexual. But I will not hesitate
to condemn the conduct and the dogged insistence that it is not what
it is... sin. Furthermore, by denying its sinfulness, it serves as a
means by which recruitment can take place and the naive can be drawn
into its trap. This recruitment, furthermore, is only the result of
this failed effort at justification.
I said, I do not condemn the homosexual... just the conduct and the
attitude. Homosexuality is only one of many examples in the lexicon
of human sins. I have my own struggles. If I could I would have sex
with every good looking girl I could run into. At one time in my
life I did. But after finding Jesus, confessing such behavior as
sin, and struggling with my lusts, and engaging in the life-long
process of learning how to lean on God's power, I've been married and
faithful to the same girl for over 36 years. Furthermore, I've grown
in my love for her. (I certainly hope she's grown in her love for me
as well).
as I said, issues of sexuality are just one of many other types of
sins. I also have personal struggles with pride, jealousy and anger.
Those other sins also impact my sexuality because my dear wife put
up with a lot as I learned to deal with these types of sins as well
during our 36 years together. Of course, if I were to be unwilling
to deal with those other sorts of sins, being the difficult to live
with person that I was, my wife could have had the option to leave
me. She chose not to knowing that it was God's will to endure.
we see another sort of sexual sin... divorce which leads to adultery.
Divorce short-circuits the growth process. It undermines the
virtues of fidelity and faithfulness and it becomes a disincentive
for personal growth and virtues that make an individual more
peaceable. Monogamous fidelity nurtures patience, humility and
overall self-control.
the words of a black preacher who's name alludes me, “God made them
Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve”.
did not ordain homosexual but heterosexual monogamy as the means by
which we humans would not only procreate but exercise such virtues as
faithfulness and grow in those other virtues that make us easier to
live with.
is only one of many behaviors that must be recognized as such and
called by the name that it deserves to be called... sin.
Furthermore, there is not a human being on this planet that is not
prone to some form or forms of sin. To deny that fact is to lie to
oneself. Interestingly, to deny this might keep one happy with
oneself but might make those around him miserable.
the outspoken Tim Tebows of this world may be denounced. “Keep
your religion to yourself”. They may receive the epithet as
“haters” and “homophobes”. No... I would say that they're
not “haters”. They're really lovers. “Why?” you
might ask.
me to close with a simple illustration... My mother was a nag.
“Don't play in the street” she would say. If she caught me doing
it she would yell at me and if I persisted she would spank me. Why? Because she didn't want anything bad
to happen to me. And she didn't want anything bad to happen to me
because she loved me.
just maybe, those who are critical of homosexuality are God's way
of saying “Don't play in the street or if you're in the street, get
out of the street.” “Maybe God is saying... I love you. You
are my child. But if you disobey me you may just as well, not be my
child. I've given you the free-will to decide that for yourself.”