When carrying on a somewhat stinted and
abrupt dialogue via twitter with one Andrea, with whom it was
apparent that we disagreed on the issue concerning abortion, I
posited the question, which according to twitter speak came off as
the following...
@Andrea... Hmm Clinton
wanted abortions “safe, legal & rare”
Since RvW, they're safeER
(4 woman), legal. What's going 2
make them rare?
Concerning safety, the
latest conviction of Kermit Gosnell for the untimely deaths of two
patrons of his abortion clinic, as well as his intentional murder of
at least two babies who were born alive at his facility surely bears
witness to the fact that abortions remain unsafe. Objectively
speaking, they may be safer than when they were illegal, but they are
still, nevertheless, unsafe. I would also venture to guess that what
was going on at the presumably legal abortion clinic of Kermit
Gosnell, is merely the tip of the iceberg of atrocities committed in
the U.S. Abortion clinics despite their presumed legality.
But I ask rhetorically, what
will make these abortion clinics safer? Tighter regulatory controls?
Stricter enforcement? Perhaps. But what about less business? Boy,
if women just stopped patronizing these abortion clinics, the
mortality rate would surely go down. Kind of like how abstinence
would lower the possibility of pregnancy to zero. Happens almost
every time. There was one exception when a virgin got pregnant about
2000 years ago.
What about legality?
Obviously abortion is legal and abortion clinics are legal as well,
presumably as long as they operate within specific guidelines. Does
that mean that not going to an abortion clinic is illegal? Of course
not! But what determines whether something is legal or not? I think
it's safe to say that it is the result of the decision made by human
But why do we need laws?
Presumably they're to maintain order, and order is necessary for the
maintenance of a civilized society. But in reality, what would
happen if people just innately, instinctively did the right thing?
Would there be a need for laws?
The Prophet Jeremiah
addressed this issue, when speaking of a future time, he wrote
is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that
time,” declares the Lord.
will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will
be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach
their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’
because they will all know me, from the least of them to the
greatest,” declares the Lord.
I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no
more.” Jeremiah 31:33-34
Invariably people in that future
time would do the right thing because they'd all have the law written
on their hearts and minds.
But, I guess, in the meantime, we
have laws... man made laws such as one which gives the right to
choose whether or not to have an abortion. Actually, I prefer to
call it “an opportunity to choose between doing what's right and
doing what's wrong.
what contributes toward this issue of rarity? Bill Clinton allegedly wanted abortions
to be rare. So what will make them rare? Andrea sent me a Huffington Post link to
an article that indicated that making abortions illegal raises their
cost. The laws of economics indicate that lowering the cost of
abortions would only make them more frequent. Hence, keeping them legal, it seems, only helps to make them more frequent
(the antithesis of rare) because they'd be more affordable. It seems almost as if legality and rarity are two mutually incompatible phenomena.
link that Andrea sent me was this link of an irate father to be whose wife was pregnant with a child who had a rare disease which was going to result in a serious
deformity even in the unlikely event that the child would survive. I can
empathize with the angst of this father, and undoubtedly, my wife could empathize with his wife as
well, nevertheless, I sent her a link to a Nick Vujicic video. Nick is a well-known inspirational
speaker, real estate investor, husband and father who was born
without any arms or legs.
Vujicic, although, he'd gone through his share of depressing moments,
would never, in a million years, have chosen to be aborted. On the
other hand, Aaron Gouveia, the father in the other video, wanted to
abort his child, never allowing her the chance to make that choice for herself.
Now, a number of scenarios could have happened from not aborting
baby Gouveia. The baby could have died in the womb, a very likely
event, eliminating the need for an abortion. Rather than an abortion, the baby would have been "extracted". The baby could have
been born and died soon thereafter, nevertheless, providing time with
the child, giving the Gouveia's a time of sobriety concerning the
issues of life, or the child could have grown to adulthood with a
severe handicap, but with the potentiality of becoming the next Nick
Vujicic. How amazingly wonderful that would be!
the preemptive murder of this tiny child would eliminate all the
variable possibilities that would happen with simply letting time
take its course. And the notion that this preemptive murder is a
viable alternative certainly would not help to contribute toward
making abortions rare. I don't want to appear sarcastic, but it is true that, given the possible scenarios, two of them could have resulted in what was the desired result... namely the death of this child.
how many other abortions occur in this country in which the unborn
child is accurately, I repeat... accurately diagnosed to be of a
comparable condition as the Gouveia baby? I would bet that it's easy
to say less than 1%.
what about those other 99+ percent? Even with the extenuating
circumstances such as rape or incest, the choice to murder the baby
remains, nevertheless, a choice. And the remaining vast majority can
very simply be relegated to being “abortions of convenience”.
it seems that no one in the pro-abortion camp knows, or really even
desires Bill Clinton’s alleged desire to make abortions rare. And
let's face it Bill Clinton’s comments are decidedly disingenuous.
let's take a look at some things that our culture is NOT doing to
make abortions rare.
It's taken the ten commandments off of
classroom walls... including that pesky one that says something about
not committing adultery.
It's created a culture that scorns
Christianity and scorns Jesus. It ridicules abstinence (which works
every time it's tried) and encourages lasciviousness.
Furthermore, it has
abandoned virtue and those elements that build character in
individuals and replaced it with the pursuit of pleasure and the
avoidance of pain with disregard for the reality that this hedonism
will, in the end, result in the magnification of a pain it could have
otherwise avoided.
Hence, 'though the "Supreme Court of the United States" has declared abortion legal according to the Constitution, the resulting need for choice, as was determined by this decision, engages the individual to choose to make either the right choice or the wrong choice. And the true or absolute legality of that choice has already been determined by the administrator of a divine court whose authority, in the end, trumps that of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Allow me to say, at this juncture, however. If you've made the wrong choice, this supreme authority loves you, sent His Son to die so as to endure that pain that you and I've deserved. However, He expects you to repent and seek to relinquish your will and values to Him.
Thanks for reading my blog and may God bless you.