I – Law and the birth of
In Exodus chapter 17 we read
the account of Israel, just having left Egypt, being confronted by
the Amalekites in battle. Moses stations himself on a hill with the
staff of God in his hand. According to the text, as long as Moses
was able to raise the staff over his head, the Israelites prevailed
in the battle. When he would become tired and have to lower his hand
and subsequently the staff, the Amalekites would prevail. Finally
with the help of two other men, Aaron and Hur, Moses was able to
keep the staff raised over his head and Israel won the battle and
drove off the Amalekites.
Much can be taken from this
text. Sermons galore have been written on it. For me, however, the
most obvious observation that can be drawn from this account is the
existence of a simple correlation... Hands up... Israel wins. Hands
down... Israel loses.
There is no rational
explanation for this phenomenon. The Israelites, after 400 years of
slavery, were probably not well-educated and certainly not skilled at
war. Nevertheless they won simply because Moses had kept his arms up
in the air!
I like to think of this
passage as the “light switch” passage.
The comedian Steven Wright
tells a story about how he rented a new apartment. He walked in and
the light wouldn't go on. He flicked the switch up and down several
times to no avail. Immediately he got a call from Germany telling
him to “cut it out”.
When we turn a light switch
on we expect the light to go on.
To a toddler a light switch
is a fascinating thing. Like magic it turns the lights on and off.
To an electrician however, I would imagine there's nothing mysterious
about it, 'though he too, might not understand the intricacies of the
sub atomic particles that generate the current.
I suppose there's always
more to learn... mysteries to explore. And once a mystery is
understood and no longer a mystery there remain a zillion more
mysteries to investigate.
The light switch, however,
is governed by laws. We call these laws the laws of physics.
But the text that we were
looking at was not about light switches. It was about a war that was
won or lost simply because someone had found a way to keep his hands
in the air. But Moses' keeping his hands in the air was in obedience
to another law. According to the text, God had told Moses to keep
his hands in the air. That was the law! It overrode the laws of
warfare. It overrode every rational law, but it was the law of God.
“Moses... keep your hands
in the air.” Obey the law, you win. Disobey the law, you lose.
When Israel was parked on
the eastern side of the Jordan River, at Mount Nebo, prepared to
enter the promised land to the west, Moses reiterated a more
elaborate law that he had received from God. This law was the law
concerning how these people were to conduct themselves once they
would enter the land. In summary, he declared... 'If you keep the
law you will prosper. If you disobey the law you will be scattered
to the far corners of the earth and endure hardship and persecution.
However, one day you will return to the land'.
Like that light switch,
promising luminescence in a darkened room, and like Moses raising his
hands to defeat the Amalakites, Moses' promises have shown themselves
to be trustworthy because they've been fulfilled to the “T”.
At the very heart of this
law that Moses gave to the Israelites was the command to “Love God
with one's whole heart, soul and strength”. But how can people
love something or someone that they can't see, hear, smell, touch or
taste?” The command was there nevertheless because the only thing
that could possibly keep this new nation of former slaves together
was a law that required voluntary obedience. What would keep a man
from say...
raping as many women as he
could get hold of or stealing, or murdering, and getting away with
these things because he was the “baddest dude on the block?
What would keep him from
taking land and making slaves of people for the same reason as above?
It was intended to be fear
of, respect for, and a sense of accountability towards this
infinitely powerful unknown intelligence who's eye was on the
thoughts and actions of all individuals and who, in the end, was the
dispenser of justice that, in the long run, would make this law work
and keep this society functioning and thriving. Without this
element, as the Book of Judges recounts over and over as having
happened during its time, everyone “would do what was right in his
own eyes” and the society would fall apart.
So, it was faith that such a
god existed that maintained order, temporary as it was, in Israelite
culture. The land to the west of the Jordan, where the children of
Israel were about to enter was in the cross-roads of the trade routes
of world. Traders selling and buying their wares would pass through
that little patch of land as they drove their caravans from India
into Africa or Europe and back or vice-verse. God's intent was for
the land of Israel to be like a rest stop on the highway for weary
travelers. And it was not just supposed to be just a rest stop.
You've heard of the seven wonders of the world. This rest stop was
to be like all seven of the wonders of the world combined and then
The traders passing through
would see a people who were given to generosity, love for one another
and love for them. It would be like nothing any of them had ever
experienced and they would go back home and tell their friends and
relatives about this wonderful land and about this wonderful god
who'd superintended the authorship of this magnificent law that
regulated the lives of this marvelous people.
Indeed during the time of
Solomon, the people of Israel had become the talk of all the nations.
Solomon had become the foremost horticulturalist and zoologist in
the world. As we recall, the Queen of Sheba traveled over a thousand
miles to meet him because of the fame he'd attained throughout the
known world. It was estimated that Solomon had acquired, for use in
Jerusalem alone, over 600 tons of gold! Because of Solomon's
disobedient conduct late in his life towards the law of God, however,
his son, Rehoboam, lost just about every ounce of that gold after an
Egyptian invasion and the prosperous and thriving kingdom was
Just as obedience to the Law
in the time of Israel was necessitated by individual faith in a god
who'd superintended the authorship of that law, so adherence to the
American Constitution is necessitated by the faith of the individual
Citizens of the United States' faith in God. The Constitution of the
United States, in no way, resembles the Law of Moses. The
Constitution is not dogmatic about how one must perceive God to be
like. However, it was founded on Biblical principals based on an
understanding of the nature of man. It was created with checks and
balances to prevent one individual from gaining too much power
because history had confirmed for the founding fathers who'd fled and
fought against the monarchy of England, that any individual with too
much power would become tyrannical.
John Adams' (the second
president of the United States) perception of the Constitution was as
have no government armed with power capable of contending with human
passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution
was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly
inadequate to the government of any other."
And so, where do we find
ourselves today? America has a population who's citizenry is subject
to “human passions that are unbridled by morality and religion”.
The end result as we are seeing and shall more acutely see in the
future will be anarchy and chaos... a people without laws, where
people take and do what they please... where “might makes right”...
where “everyone does what is right in his own eyes” especially
the eyes of the dictator(s).
II The Case for American
Imperialis? Or is it more appropriately Evangelism?
One of the rallying cries
from the political left in America has been that the United States is
imperialistic and imperialism is fundamentally evil.
Imperialism that has been
exploitative is most definitely evil. However, when the United
States defeated Japan and Germany during the second World War, over
the period of the next 60 years, those defeated nations were
converted into the second and third largest economies in the world.
Ironically, the people of Germany and Japan thrived as a result of
having been defeated by us. I remember my father jokingly referring
to it as US foreign aid. Furthermore, not only were their economies
improved and subsequently their lifestyles, but they ceased to be
warmongering and aggressive.
I recall flipping through
the channels one day and I ran across a Little League World Series
game. A team from Japan was playing a team from the United States in
a game of baseball. I marveled that 60 years earlier, the fathers
and grandfathers of these kids were being trained to kill each other.
For the most part, contrary to earlier expectations the citizens of
our two nations have acquired a mutual respect and appreciation for
one another.
I kind of look at governance
as a sort of socio-political DNA molecule. Food is good. It's made
up of all sorts of sugars and fats and proteins and other good
things. But when food is chewed up and digested, it would be
worthless were it not for an amazing mechanism found in all life
forms that uses digested food for energy and converts it into a
complex of large complicated interacting molecules that work
synergistically to sustain life, and give form to that life. From
what I understand, DNA is a long molecule that bears a code. It's
like a long circular staircase and it's rungs are made up of four
molecules that exist in only two combinations. For the sake of
argument, let's simply say that molecule A only forms a bond with
molecule T and molecule G only forms a bond with molecule C and as
such they tie the two “railings” of the staircase together. The
order that these two molecule combinations take on this “staircase”
serves as a sort of biological Morse Code. It tells all of the
digested food where to go and what to do to make the unique shape of
an ear, or determine the color of an eye... whether it should be used
to make a dog or a cat or a mouse or a person. In essence this DNA
code is like a law which gives order to what would otherwise be for
all intents and purposes, dead garbage.
So why do I say that human
governance is like that? This may be somewhat of an assumption but,
for the most part, I think it's safe to say that everyone wants to be
happy. I would also argue that everyone has a different idea as to
what they believe would make them happy. Some men might feel that
raping women makes them happy. On the other hand such actions would
most assuredly make the women victims unhappy. Without law human
beings tend to descend into chaos. Invariably everyone winds up
being unhappy.
So then, what law enables
people to live together harmoniously while maximizing human
happiness? The author of said law would most certainly have to be
intimately acquainted with what genuinely gives people optimum
happiness. Said author must have an accurate ability to discern the
differences between human wants and needs and have an understanding
as to what deterrents are most effective at preventing bad choices in
this area. The author of such a law must be entirely empathetic. He
must be acquainted with disappointment that comes from wants and/or
desires that, of necessity, must give deference to those things that
are incompatible with them yet which are, in the long run, and
objectively speaking, more appropriate. Perhaps He might have an
understanding of what might be an appropriate reward or set of
rewards for those willing to make those necessary sacrifices for the
sake of the more appropriate options. That is truly the law for
which the world ought to be longing!
It seems, however, at least
at face value, that no such constitution has been written to date,
but even so, invariably there are going to be those who will not be
willing to abide by such a constitution anyway. They'll still have
their own opinions about what makes them happy. They'll go on raping
women or stealing or doing whatever aberrant behavior that they do.
And so the question
arises... who is it who desires to experience this utopia of
guaranteed happiness? I would hold that it would be those who would
be willing to submit to the authority of the Constitution... the law
that creates order out of human chaos. Hence, the citizens of this
kingdom must actively pursue conduct befitting this constitution
(This conduct is pretty clearly defined in Jesus' sermon on the
mount). It is sad to say that those who would be unwilling to abide
by the constitution must, therefore, of necessity, be left outside
the kingdom where, as the writer of the Book of Revelation puts it,
“there will be eternal wailing and gnashing of teeth”.
So far, I've given somewhat
of a feeble picture of the ideal constitution. In the meantime,
history has been replete with all sorts of constitutions. Which is
or was the best? I'm sure that there are countless parameters for
evaluating them. But allow me to suggest one parameter...
Immigration. Are more people desirous of entering a country than
leaving that country? Said numbers can serve as a pretty fair
indicator concerning where relative happiness of the population can
be determined. Interestingly it seems that everyone and his uncle
wants to come to the United States. Given my suggested indicator, it
seems that the US constitution has created an environment most
consistent with overall human happiness and prosperity in our modern
world. And so, we have an immigration “problem”.
So what is the solution to
this immigration problem? Like DNA the US Constitution is a template
for the best known governance in the modern world. It, as we've
already seen, can really only be effectively upheld if, as John Adams
stated, “human passions are restrained by morality and religion”.
But there are elements within the United States whom, according to
the Psalmist, declare “Let us cast their (the L-ord and His
Messiah) bonds asunder and tear their cords far from us” (Psalm 2).
They want freedom from God and freedom to do whatever they want,
whether it be sleep around, abort babies, leave their wives, engage
in homosexual conduct... You name it. The less laws the better. Yet
in the process they replace what will ultimately cause the greater
happiness and good for all with what they want or desire. And they
do this at the expense of their spouses, their children or whoever
else might be the victim of their decisions. And according to John
Adams, the US Constitution cannot maintain a society under that
weight of such “lawlessness”.
Presently, illegal aliens
are crossing US borders as if these borders were osmotic membranes.
Why are they doing this? For the most part, they're primarily doing
it to escape the lawlessness in their own countries and seek a
better, more affluent life for themselves. This tendency toward
immigration will undoubtedly end when the misery index in the United
States reaches the same level of the countries from which these
illegal aliens are coming.
What is the solution to
this? T'shuva... repentance. The church, for one thing, does not
have a proper understanding of law and grace. It has mistaken grace
for antinomianism. One of the most disconcerting comments I've heard
of late was stated by a man who'd sponsored a race about five or six
years ago in Tennessee. I don't recall all the details, but either a
tire, or one of the cars itself launched into the stands and killed
several bystanders. In an interview on the TV news the sponsor of
this event declared “I've done nothing wrong. I'm a Christian.”
Yes... he had done something
wrong... The Law of Moses declares...
you build a new house, you shall make a parapet for your roof,
so that you will not bring bloodguilt on your house if anyone falls
from it.
Dt. 22:8
Building a barrier around a
flat roof where people went up for celebrations so that they wouldn't
fall off was declared to be the responsibility of the owner of the
house. Such an action truly falls under the larger heading of
“loving your neighbor as yourself”. Plainly the law of Moses
applies here. The sponsor of this racing event, if he is in fact a
Christian (God only knows), should not only not be hiding behind the
Name of Jesus by declaring himself as a Christian in his defense
(which is tantamount to taking God's name in vain), but he should
have taken the necessary precautions so that this accident could
never have occurred... if for anything, for the purpose of doing all
things to the Glory of God. As it turned out the safety criterion
for this race were determined to be woefully below standards. I pray
that he comes to the point where he can acknowledge the depth of
God's love and forgiveness that's available to him. On the other
hand, he needs to be pursuing holiness rather than making excuses.
The church needs to utterly
divorce itself from the idea of cheap grace... that Jesus died for me
and therefore I can flippantly go about my merry way without concern
for seeking to please God in all I do. Cheap grace has destroyed the
power of the Gospel. Cheap grace contributes nothing but lawlessness
to a culture under the guise of “religiosity”.
The church needs to be
actively engaged in evangelism. The population of the United States
and the whole world is casting its vote. They're voting that they
don't want to be citizens of the kingdom with the ideal constitution.
The church needs to be exhibiting righteousness, preaching
repentance and preaching forgiveness for sin through and only through
the blood of Jesus.
Only then can the integrity
of the United States life-style and Constitution be upheld if that is
still possible.
From a political standpoint,
righteous governance needs to be encouraged world-wide. Through the
application of pressure upon tyrants, people can be enabled to live
more freely. Islam and other false religions must not be placated.
Their veracity must be challenged at every turn and their practice
must not be accommodated at the expense of the freedom of others.
Earlier I posited my feeble
description of righteous governance. Does the Sharia law of Islam
seem to even come close to that? Does it even remotely understand
and look after the needs and wants of women? What about the Hindu
Laws of Manu which lock people into a caste system whereby
untouchables are denied any opportunity for upward mobility in Indian
society. The Gospel is accomplishing amazing things in India. What
about communist countries where God is the state and “religion is
the opiate of the masses”... where people are made to do and
believe what the state tells them to do and believe? What about
North Korea where Kim Jong Un, the little tyrant from hell, is God?
The probability of the
United States returning to those carefree days of long ago is very
remote. Even those days were not carefree. Discrimination and
segregation were rampant. As sacred as the US Constitution is, it is
still a flawed document though it's the best thing out there. And
it's citizens have always been a flawed people. Though the world is
casting it's vote against the ideal constitution, there are some on
this planet both from the past and of the present who are looking
forward to its actualization. For a while it seems that those
against the ideal constitution will be having their way as the world
heads further and further into chaos, lawlessness and bloodshed. But
fear not. If you cast your vote for the kingdom with the ideal
constitution that day shall surely come. It is inevitable.