Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Planned Parenthood and "Astroturfing"

When was the last time that the issue of “fetal tissue” hit the news really big? As I recall, George W. Bush was in office and he was taking a stand against fetal stem cell research. All the “big guns” were thrown against him attacking his character and his prudish attitude towards using only stem cells that had not been the product of conception. They say that he “wanted people to die”, “A lot of lives could be saved from the research conducted on embryonically derived stem cells”.

As I recall, one of the arguments from the political “right” was that, aside from the fact that embryonic stem cells were derived from “dead babies”, they had shown little promise in curing those ills at which they were directed. Furthermore, their insertion into damaged tissue had resulted in a high prevalence of cancer.

I think those findings were correct. I don't know for sure, but be that as it may, all hell broke loose in an effort to attack Bush so as to allow for the free usage of embryonic stem cells. The chief argument in favor of the pro-abortionist perspective was that “it would add to the arsenal of research and ultimately save lives”.

Whatever the case may be, the argument was heated... dare I say vitriolic! The pro-abortion lobby, it seemed, had made a contract with death. It was pounding on the doors of restraint and it was using as it's battering ram, lemmings made up of women who'd had abortions and/or knew what it was like to have unwanted pregnancies, liberals who felt that a “woman's right to choose” deserved priority as a concern (forget about the baby's right to live), and people who'd never seen the inside of an abortion clinic nor the inside of a womb with a baby bathed in amniotic fluid, screaming silently, desperately and in agony with its face contorted in pain as it's arm or leg is torn from the rest of its body in a matter-of-fact fashion by an enterprising abortionist.

And so we see in the news, finally, interviews of physicians and representatives of Planned Parenthood, talking about the harvesting and sale of human limbs and organs for profit as they, in a cavalier fashion, eat their vittles and swirl their chionti in their goblet before taking a gulp. One could call this behavior “disgusting”, but that truly is an inadequate adjective for describing it.

The olde adage, “Follow the money”.has truly proven itself! The lemming battering ram was spurred on by the one's who were truly to benefit from the abortion industry... the abortionists, Planned Parenthood, with it's mouth to the Federal Government's teat, medical researchers looking for Federal grants, you name it. And all the time you thought that the beneficiaries of abortion were the poor women who'd gotten themselves “knocked up” by irresponsible sex partners of the opposite gender. Oh, they're victims too, don't get me wrong, but why was it never told them that they had the alternative of giving up their baby for adoption, and why was it presumed that abstinence wouldn't work? Abstinence is still the only sure fire way of preventing unwanted pregnancies as well as STDs.

Enter David Axelrod... adviser to the illustrious Barack Hussein Obama. Mr. Axelrod owns or at one time owned a company called ASK Public Strategies which is a firm that “discreetly plots strategy and advertising campaigns for corporate clients to tilt public opinion their way”.1 Those who are in the business of advertizing and creating public perception call this “astroturfing”. In essence, it's the art of creating an artificial grass roots movement... hence, “astroturfing”.

I dare say that Mr. Axelrod's genius has transcended merely the corporate world and entered skillfully into the realm of politics. Not only has astroturfing created a groundswell of abortion advocates who will defend Planned Parenthood in spite of its contract with death, but you'll see the fingerprint of astroturfing in the global warming debate which has conjured up it's own population of lemmings who actually feel that Climate Change (they don't know what to call it because in summer it seems like it's warming and in winter it seems like it's cooling) is a greater threat to the survival of the human race than the false religion known as Islam which is responsible for the rape, slavery and murder of Christians by the 10s of thousands. Yes-siree... there's money to be made through “Climate Change Warming Cooling”. Paltry as the donations may have been by Federal standards, nevertheless, numerous contributors to the Obama campaign effort got quite generous Federal start-up grants for what turned out to be failed “green” businesses.

Another beneficiary of the phenomenon of astroturfing are the fascists who, contrary to the spirit of the First Amendment, want to impose the state upon religion in the name of “freedom” and “human rights”. Mr. Axelrod and his ilk have created a swarm of gay sympathizing lemmings by declaring that gay marriage is a right. The issue has never been about gay marriage. It's always been about the imposition of fascism. And what could be the greatest example of fascism than forcing a business out of business because they won't bake a cake that advertizes a point of view contrary to their religious and moral convictions (case in point the bakery in Oregon which was fined $130,000 for not making a cake for a gay wedding).

Astroturfing is a way of creating a mob of mindless lemmings who enjoy unanimity in thought. They form a cocoon for themselves, isolating themselves from opposing views. They are intolerant of those who present opposing views and, all the while, unwittingly display their own intolerance. They are dangerous, because, ultimately, rather than allowing their way of thinking to be challenged, they would prefer to eradicate the source of the opposing view. History has shown us where that leads. Astroturfing has and is bringing about folly, waste and death... the kind of sterile death that is not seen, like chicken breasts on a grocery shelf, the death is innocent, far away, sterile, not perceived. It's called abortion. How innocent sounding!

Most Germans, during world World War II were oblivious to the Jews dying in the concentration camps. The gold in the teeth of the victims was removed to make jewelry. Their skin was used for making lamp shades. Their flesh was turned into bars of soap. And German citizens matter-of-factly consumed these articles as if nothing was going on.

Josef Mengeleh was a physician who carried out sadistic “experiments” on victims of the concentration camps of Germany. He gleefully enjoyed torturing his victims. As the concentration camps were being liberated by American troops, Mengele fled to Argentina. He never did make it to North America but I can just envision him sharing that goblet of chianti with those doctors from Planned Parenthood. It seems that his spirit has come to North America.


In 1 Samuel 8, Israel rejected God as its King.  The reason being that they “wanted to be like all the other nations” (8:5).  They were in haEretz... the land.

Evidence has it that the Talmud, however, was written to make the Jewish people distinct from all the other nations.

The Oral Torah became the distinctive of Israel. "...said R. Avin, [God said] 'Had I written for you the bulk of my Torah, you would be considered like a foreigner.' [For] what [is the difference] between us and the Gentiles? They bring forth their books, and we bring forth  our books; they bring forth their national records, and we bring forth our national records.' [The only difference between Israel and the Gentile nations is that a portion of the Torah remains oral,and has a special claim upon the nation of Israel.]1

The Gentiles, by virtue of their access to the Taanach (Old Testament), now had access to all the Jewish writings.  To maintain the distinct identity of the Jewish     people, the Rabbis proposed that along with the written law, Moses transmitted the oral law on to Joshua who in turn, taught it to the Rabbis2. This was to be that   element that was to distinguish the Jewish people from all the other nations (goyim).  Only the Jews had access to this writing.

Now, instead of wanting to be “like the other nations” we wanted to be different than the other nations.  Oral rabbinic tradition from the time of the Babylonian exile already existed in the time of Y’shua.  Y’shua even gave prolific mention of it.  But there is little evidence that it had actually been codified until the 2nd century ACE primarily by R Akiva, who interestingly, ‘though lauded for his great wisdom and learning, championed Simon Bar Kochba as the Messiah.  History has     proven Akiva to have been wrong.

During the time period in which the Talmud was being codified, most of the Jewish people were in HaEretz.  However, our sovereignty over the land was lost.  By the time the compilation of the Talmud was completed, some time after the failed Bar Kochba rebellion which ended in 136 ACE, for the exception of a small   remnant, the vast majority of Jews were scattered to the four corners of the earth in what has been an 1800+ year long galute (diaspora or dispersion).

The Talmud has carried with it a “two-edged sword” as it were. On the one hand, God has used it to maintain a   uniquely  Jewish  culture  centered around a religion that has enabled the Jewish people to survive history and maintain its own unique identity.  On the other hand, even as Israel sought “sameness” by choosing a king over G-d, Israel now sought “uniqueness” by  choosing the Rabbi’s over Moses, by exchanging the Word  of G-d for their word, and hence, the great   RABBI whom I like to call THE TZADIK (the perfectly righteous one... Y’shua) the Messiah, was rejected.3

Rabbinic authority maintained continuity while the nation was scattered around the world.  But that time seems to be fast coming to an end!  Anti-Semitism in Europe and soon to grow in the Western Hemisphere will drive the nation “among the nations” back to it’s own land.

So who are the inhabitants of this land?  A new crop of “immigrants” has just arrived from India.  Previously Jews arrived in this contested bit of real estate from South Africa, Egypt, Morocco, Lybia, Iraq, Iran, Germany, France, Ethiopia, The United Kingdom, Belgium, Russia, the United States... In fact, colloquially speaking, the United Nations is in Israel! (Maybe that’s why perhaps, the United Nations seems to be a clandestine enemy of Israel.  It’s jealous).

Consequently, modern day Israel is a veritable potpourri of variable cultures of people having a common  identity.  We are all Jews... descended, in one way or another through our father, Jacob.  Our survival and return to the land makes us a living breathing testimony to the veracity of Tanaach4.

So what does G-d what to achieve through all of this?  God wanted we, the Jewish people, to be a segullah... a unique, prized possession.5

In 1 Samuel we didn’t want to be unique.  We wanted to be the same.

The compilers of the Talmud wanted us to be unique.

But God’s intent was always for us to be not only unique but in HaEretz... the land.  It was national sin that extricated us from the land (Dt. 28)

Now we’re back in the land, but we’re still sort of like everyone else.  We have public displays that utterly defy the teachings of Moses.  For instance, in defiance of Moses’ teachings against sexual deviancy in Lev. 18, we have gay pride parades in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem!  At the other end of the pendulum of extremism, it’s hard to find a restaurant that doesn’t keep the Rabbinic version of Kashrut... namely, if you’re a family and you want to eat a meal together, all of you are going to  have to eat at either a milchekeh or fleshika restaurant because you won’t be able to get both mild and dairy at the same meal.

There are some things that remind us of influence from Taanach, however.  The Sabbath occurs on the seventh day of the  week.  Passover,  Shavuoth (the Feast of Weeks or “Pentacost”) and Sukkoth (The Feast of Booths) are observed as national holidays, and despite their hard exteriors, Sabras (native born Israelis) are probably among the most compassionate people on the planet.

Israel’s military has historically and continues to go out of its way in its efforts to spare the lives of innocents among the population of her enemies.  And the common Israeli Arab is far better off and has infinitely more freedom in Israel than in any Arab ruled country.

Now the Rabbis have passed down many wonderful traditions.  But they have chosen to reject, the most important teaching of all... that the Tzadek Y’shua is our Messiah.  Unfortunately that teaching seems to have been necessary for our unification because we were without the land which would be our means of unification.  Today we have the land.  The land will assure our uniqueness.  Eventually, the Messiah will assure our righteousness.  We will be the segulah (prized possession) of HaShem and the “survivors of the nations who attacked Jerusalem will assembly annually in Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Booths and learn from the Law of  God.”6

1 The Talmud of the Land of Israel, Vol. 2, Peah, Trans. by Roger Brooks, U.

of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1990, P.127 via Dan Gruber “Rabbi Akiba’s Messiah”.

3"The sayings of the elders have more weight than those of the prophets" (Berakoth 1:7); "An offense against the saying of the scribes is worse than one against those of Scripture" (Sanhedrin 11:3). 

4e.g. Ezekiel 20:34 - "I will bring you from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered -- with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath." 

5 Dt 7:6
Zech. 14