Friday, November 16, 2018


President Trump has been attacked for himself, attacking the Media, calling it "Fake News".
He went so far as to call much of the "Main Stream Media" (MSM) the "enemy of the people".
Between his last acusation and the revoking of Jim Acosta's, an alleged reporter (I say "alleged" because he's more of a commentator than a reporter), press pass, Trump has become the recipient of the ire of even the "fair and balanced" Fox News.
I can't find his tweet (one of a bazillion) per se, but nevertheless, he argues that he has only challenged the veracity of the media and left it up for the people to decide. Furthermore, he pointed out that getting into the business of censorship can be very dangerous.
Allow me, if you will, to suggest that whenever lies are perpetrated by the media, the media is an enemy of the people and whenever truth is presented by the media, the media is a friend of the people.
At face value, Trumps denunciations of the media as "enemy of the people" appear to be totalitarian in nature. But may I suggest why this is not the case?
Back in the days when the Soviet Union (a blatantly repressive Communist regime) was in its hey day, it's chief source of information was a periodical called "PRAVDA". Pravda means "the Truth". Was it the truth? Many would say that such was absolutely not the case. I, for one, would say that it was the propaganda wing of the Communist party. In fact, it was indisputedly the case! Pravda reinforced the party line (agenda as it were). If a fact disagreed with the party's agenda, it was kept hidden. If a fact supported the party's agenda, it was placed on the front page.
The Communist government of the USSSR and PRAVDA worked hand-in-glove. One DID NOT criticiize the other.
Might I suggest "Be happy that Trump and the media are at odds".
When the government and the media are compliant with one another, that's when you should worry.
I dare say, the MSM tended to only praise Obama.
May I suggest to you that the MSM IS the American version of PRAVDA, and when the media agrees with the government and the government agrees with the media, THAT IS WHEN YOU SHOULD BE WORRYING.

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