Friday, November 23, 2018

Are the Promoters of the Caravan Willing to Sacrifice Human Life to Prove Donald Trump is a Villain?

I absolutely hope that I'm wrong but this is a prediction based on my axiom that "evil uses people as pawns for establishing its own ends".
I predict that the military will be used to prevent these "Central American Immigrants" from getting past our borders. They will resort to every non-lethal tactic at their disposal: water canons, tear gas, perhaps high pitched sound technology (if there is such a thing).
I see the masterminds behind this march on our borders as wanting to accomplish at least one of two things: 1. Penetrate the border. 2. Make Trump look bad and thus break down his populist appeal.
My prediction is that if they can't penetrate the border, someone's still going to get killed. If Trump isn't already a villain to some people now, he will be by the time this is over. Furthermore, in accomplishing this end, highlighted among the fatalities will be women and children, magnifying Trumps "villainy". As I said "evil uses people as pawns for establishing it's own end."
All lives are sacred.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Playing A Game Of Chicken With "Imigrants"

Well, boys and girls, it looks like it’s time to play “chicken.”
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the game, more often than not, it’s played by two idiots or teams of idiots driving cars at a billion miles per hour towards each other from opposite directions. The first car to get out of the way of the otherwise inevitable collision loses. Sometimes both drivers win by crashing into each other and, by so doing, killing each other. I suppose one might facetiously say, in that case, both parties lost by winning.
I do not speak from expertise, having never played the game myself, but it seems to me that it would be considerably easier to play chicken when the person playing the game has nothing to risk.
Seemingly that appears to be the case. A different game of chicken is playing out at the USA southern border with Mexico. However, it seems that the ones who stand most to gain or lose are alleged migrants from Central America. There is no doubt that someone paid for the transportation, food, and shelter for thousands of these people who are supposedly fleeing from hardship in their home countries. This writer also does not doubt that this crisis began as a purposely coordinated effort between planners, organizers, and financiers. This writer also does not doubt that this coordinated effort under discussion promotes a globalist agenda whereby international boundaries between nations can be destroyed and by so doing, establish a one world government.
And so, a game of chicken has been set up with Globalists on one side of the game and Nationalists on the other side of the “game.” And sadly, the ones most likely to lose are many hapless immigrant pawns at the hands of the Globalists.
EVIL EXPLOITS PEOPLE AS PAWNS BY WHICH IT CAN ACCOMPLISH ITS PURPOSES. To evil (the noun), human life is expendable. Hence, the “immigrants” coming to the USA southern border are pawns. Globalists are betting that the Nationalists will appear as the bad guys in this standoff. Hence, they’re assuming that the Nationalists will be the first to flinch in this game of chicken. In the meantime, many of the immigrants, who, although they might not meet the status of refugees, are nevertheless understandably seeking a better life for themselves. They were persuaded that a new and better life is available to them in the United States. The veracity of the lie they’ve been fed hinges upon whether or not the various elements among the globalists can badger the Nationalists, headed by President Trump into allowing these “immigrants” in.
As I see it, with perhaps some exceptions, there are three types of Americans engaged in this “game of chicken.” The Globalists are largely politicians and liberals who believe in globalism, have established it as their goal and don’t appreciate the uniqueness of the USA Constitution and history. The Nationalists do believe in the uniqueness of the United States and believe it as a force for good. They also believe that Globalism is dangerous. Those who specifically don’t have an agenda, the third group, will likely express grave concern for the well-being of these poor “immigrant” pawns held in limbo.
The strategy of the Globalists is to distract the populace from the main issue of Globalism vs. Nationalism and place attention on the plight of the “immigrants.” It is elements within their ranks that are responsible for persuading immigrants and paying for their travel. Furthermore, undoubtedly, corruption in their homelands contributed to these people wanting to migrate in the first place.
With their allies in the media, the Globalists can downplay the corruption in foreign countries and their complicity in facilitating the impetus for migration. They can continue their incessant droning that Trump, who stands at the vanguard of the Nationalist cause, is a “misogynist, homophobe and, above all, a racist who hates Hispanics and Muslims” and doesn’t want them in the country. Also with the help of the media, they can try to persuade their audience into believing that everyone who supports the Trump agenda is, likewise, a “misogynist, homophobe and, above all, racist who hates Hispanics and Muslims.”
I would argue that the effort of the Nationalists is to persuade people that Globalism is dangerous and will lead to a world-wide dictatorship will be detrimental to the well-being of everyone world-wide except for the elite dictators at the top of the political pecking order.
In the end, concerning this “game of chicken,” somebody’s got to flinch eventually, and even after then, evil will continue to exploit people as expendable pawns in its effort to implement Globalism.

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Democrat Party Needs to Change its Name to the Communist Party

Safely lounging in his lazy boy, far from the terrors taking place in a distant land, Barack Obama dispassionately gave orders for rules of engagement that left a chinook helicopter defenseless resulting in 38 deaths, 17 of which were from Sealteam 6, the team that infiltrated Pakistan and killed Osama BinLaden.
Presumably from that same lazy boy Obama refused reinforcements to help defend or rescue Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other victims in Benghazzi, Lybia.
Boy! It sure is easy to give these kinds of directives from a lazy boy thousands of miles away! Isn't it?
In 2008, before the November election, someone very close to me asked "so what do you think of Obama?" I replied "He's a Trojan Horse.".
That was the end of our discussion. History had to be played out to vindicate me and I doubt that that person is still willing to admit that I was right.
The Democrat party has morphed. They are very far from the party of JFK who said "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country!"
They have become the party of the handouts: "What do you want? If elected I'll give it to you."
They are NOT the Democrat party. They are the Communist Party and they need to be recognized as such.


President Trump has been attacked for himself, attacking the Media, calling it "Fake News".
He went so far as to call much of the "Main Stream Media" (MSM) the "enemy of the people".
Between his last acusation and the revoking of Jim Acosta's, an alleged reporter (I say "alleged" because he's more of a commentator than a reporter), press pass, Trump has become the recipient of the ire of even the "fair and balanced" Fox News.
I can't find his tweet (one of a bazillion) per se, but nevertheless, he argues that he has only challenged the veracity of the media and left it up for the people to decide. Furthermore, he pointed out that getting into the business of censorship can be very dangerous.
Allow me, if you will, to suggest that whenever lies are perpetrated by the media, the media is an enemy of the people and whenever truth is presented by the media, the media is a friend of the people.
At face value, Trumps denunciations of the media as "enemy of the people" appear to be totalitarian in nature. But may I suggest why this is not the case?
Back in the days when the Soviet Union (a blatantly repressive Communist regime) was in its hey day, it's chief source of information was a periodical called "PRAVDA". Pravda means "the Truth". Was it the truth? Many would say that such was absolutely not the case. I, for one, would say that it was the propaganda wing of the Communist party. In fact, it was indisputedly the case! Pravda reinforced the party line (agenda as it were). If a fact disagreed with the party's agenda, it was kept hidden. If a fact supported the party's agenda, it was placed on the front page.
The Communist government of the USSSR and PRAVDA worked hand-in-glove. One DID NOT criticiize the other.
Might I suggest "Be happy that Trump and the media are at odds".
When the government and the media are compliant with one another, that's when you should worry.
I dare say, the MSM tended to only praise Obama.
May I suggest to you that the MSM IS the American version of PRAVDA, and when the media agrees with the government and the government agrees with the media, THAT IS WHEN YOU SHOULD BE WORRYING.